Comedy Night Invitations

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation

Comedy Night Invitations

Project Overview

I work with the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (CCF) for the greater New York area as a volunteer designer. For the past four years I have designed invitations for a variety of their events, with the biggest event being a comedy night fundraiser. Each year I create a new design for the invitation that is sent out to their wide network of donors, sponsors and members.

I first got involved with back in 2017, when my younger brother who was diagonsed with Crohn's and Colitis joined the foundation. While he was living in New York, he became very involved with the foundation and asked me to utlize my design skills for them.

My Role

I volunteer as a graphic designer for CCF, providing my print design skills for fundraising event invitations.


  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign

Sh!ts & Giggles

March 16, 2020 | New York, NY

Sh!ts & Giggles is a comedy night hosted by CCF to raise money. The event welcomes numerous comedians from New York, as well as honors a Young Professional invovled with the foundation.

For the 2020 version of the invitation, I wanted to go with a more vintage, pop art style.

Sh!ts & Giggles

March 18, 2019 | New York, NY

Sh!ts & Giggles is a comedy night hosted by CCF to raise money. The event welcomes numerous comedians from New York, as well as honors a Young Professional invovled with the foundation.

For the 2019 version of the invitation, I wanted to play with emojis. I decided that rather than working with flat emojis, utlizing the 3D effect of the emojis helped create the idea that they really were rolling around laughing. We also played around with a landscape layout this year.

Sh!ts & Giggles

March 19, 2018 | New York, NY

Sh!ts & Giggles is a comedy night hosted by CCF to raise money. The event welcomes numerous comedians from New York, as well as honors a Young Professional invovled with the foundation.

For the 2018 version of the invitation, I wanted to play with the idea of creating the underground comedy club vibe, with neon lights. In New York there are numerous comedy clubs and walking around you can see how they try to pull you in and light up the streets with their neon lights. I ultized a neon light font and created the lauging mouth with Illustrator and Photoshop effects.

This was also the first year we changed the name to Sh!ts & Giggle and it stuck.

Belly Laughs

March 6, 2017 | New York, NY

Belly Laughs is a comedy night hosted by CCF to raise money. The event welcomes numerous comedians from New York, as well as honors a Young Professional invovled with the foundation.

This was the first year I was asked to design the invitation for their comedy night. It was the first year my brother was involed with the foundation. When the invitation was first designed the committee wanted something more and my brother offered my skills up.

For this invitation, I chose to go with a more vintage design poster look and feel.